Haumoana School Board (Formerly known as Board of Trustees)
Our school Board is elected by the school community every three years. The Board works closely with the principal to govern the school for the benefit of all children and to ensure that the Education Act 2020 is implemented.
The Haumoana School Board is responsible for the Governance and Policies of the school. In particular, the board is responsible for the strategic plan for the school. It is also particularly interested in reviewing the achievement data to measure the performance of the school.
The Board reports to parents on a regular basis through our newsletter and eTap system.
Board meetings are generally held on the third Wednesday evening of each month commencing at 5;30 pm in the staff room. Notice of each meeting is given in the school newsletter and calendar. Whānau, parents/caregivers are welcome to attend as the meetings are held in public.
Note: meetings held in public are not public meetings. The distinction is that while the public may attend, they do not have speaking rights. The Board also has the responsibility to go "in committee" (and exclude the public) when the privacy rights of an individual might be at risk.
Copies of the following documentation are available in the office area for your information:
School Policies and Procedures are on our SCHOOLDOCS site.
SchoolDocs Username: haumoana Password: gannet
Other useful BOT information
Annual report- analysis of variance 2024
Joe Snee - Presiding Member
Toby Payton- Property, Deputy Presiding Member
Kirstin Hartley- Staff Representative
Liz Vanderpump – Principal
Annabel Murphy – Community Liason
Annah Kight- Finance
Bonnie Llewellyn- Health and Safety
Una Smith – Board-appointed Minutes Secretary
Board members can be contacted via the school office or the board email board@haumoana.school.nz
Haumoana School
7 Raymond Road
Hastings 4180
Phone: 06 875 0366
Mobile/Text: 027 3426126
Email: office@haumoana.school.nz